
Fifty years ago, our generation changed America in three ways:

• We opposed the Viet Nam War,
• We created the Civil Rights Movement,
• And most important of all, we started the process to Legalize Cannabis

Rich Riel has been involved in the production and distribution of marijuana since 1969.

He is not a medical professional.

He learned everything he knows about cannabis by using and advocating for legalization.

He broke the law to get his education.

After using cannabis for over fifty years, he is bringing to market a hemp product rather than sativa or indica. He believes the major difference between hemp and the others is:


BLU Magic is his proprietary hemp-based consumer consumption product created by him,
In El Cajon where it is tested with our specially-developed proprietary electronic nasal delivery system.

As of March 8, 2023, there are no states that outlaw the use or possession of hemp products. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp production at the federal level, and all 50 states have passed laws to comply with the federal law. Hemp products are defined as cannabis plants and derivatives that contain no more than 0.3% delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

The US Postal Service (USPS) has issued guidelines for the mailing of BLU Magic. These guidelines state that BLU Magic is legal under federal law and as such is eligible to be mailed anywhere in the United States through the US Postal service.

BLU Magic together with the exclusive proprietary electronic nasal delivery system is a laboratory product which is Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-compliant. Each batch is subject to a full panel test. BLU Magic has a Certificate of Analysis issued by a State of California-certified testing site.

If you want Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness, then BLU Magic
Is the choice that makes It happen

Click here to buy now