BLU Magic Facts


BLU Magic is a hemp-based consumer consumption product dispensed in a proprietary electronic nasal delivery system. It is created in El Cajon, where we are a proud member of the San Diego East County Chamber of Commerce.

BLU Magic is an indoor-grown organic hemp strain that is specifically grown on BLU Magic’s medicinal platform which uses a complex proprietary extraction process that is done in an atmospheric-controlled laboratory to separate and isolate specific cannabinoids which are used for our proprietary blend.

BLU Magic is made from high-quality hemp buds and selected biomass, and has been tested by a State Certified third-party laboratory.

What separates BLU Magic from all the other hemp products is not only our proprietary blend of cannabinoids; it is our specially designed pen delivery system. The BLU Magic delivery system was deliberately designed to deliver the product at the specifically-determined temperature that allows maximum benefit. Our proprietary, rechargeable, disposable, dual-ceramic element, perfect voltage design is the quintessential delivery system for this unique product called BLU Magic.


BLU Magic together with the delivery system is a laboratory product which is Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-compliant with the Federal Farm Bill
(AB 415) regulations of 2018.


BLU Magic has several benefits, including:

• Reducing anxiety and stress
• Relieving pain
• Improving sleep
• Reducing inflammation
• Enhancing the immune system

• A healthy substitution for other addictions

BLU Magic is used in the treatment of leukemia and seizures. BLU Magic is also being used in the treatment of PTSD.


Our extraction process is a High-Pressure, Super-Critical, Sealed Extraction done in a laboratory environment.


Cannabinoids that are included in BLU Magic are CBD, CBG, CBA, CBN, (D8), and natural organic flavored Terpenes.

BLU Magic contains the following:
0.5 grams of D8
0.5 grams of CBD, CBG, CBN, CBA and Terpenes

The suggested dosage is one or more inhalations as needed.


Currently there is no research available on the efficacy of BLU Magic, by purchasing our product at a reduced rate and participating in a long term relationship you will become part of our database of users. BLU Magic is sponsoring a marketing study of the long term effects of BLU Magic. Participation is voluntary. Aside from contact information and an online health survey to track your health during the study, participants will be asked to record their experience. Before participating or using BLU Magic we encourage anyone reading this to visit our BLU Magic Health Use page.

For further information or to purchase BLU Magic contact Rich Riel at 858-277-2569, or visit our web site at or email